What is a Master Gardener and what does a Master Gardener do?
Master Gardeners combine a passion for gardening and the dedication to share their knowledge with the community. As part of an international, non-profit organization, all Master Gardeners are volunteers and participate in many venues:
Gardening events, seminars, fairs, plant sales, nursery clinics
Workshops, demonstrations, community projects
Research and writing and fundraising events.
In addition to volunteer hours, members attend regular meetings and commit to on-going education.
We encourage a multifaceted approach to gardening and emphasize the promotion of plant health, use of environmentally responsible solutions and the employment of Integrated Pest Management (BC Ministry of Environment).
What is Master Gardener Training?
In Victoria BC, the basic Master Gardener Training is offered by the Horticultural College of the Pacific located in Saanich. For more information:
visit https://hcp.ca/workshops-classes/the-master-gardener-program/
call 250-479-6162, or
email communityed@hcp.ca .
The program, originally developed by the Extension Service office of Oregon State University, covers basic aspects of:
Plant needs
Classes are tailored to specific bioregions including aspects of climate, topography, soils, and growing conditions. The flexibility to highlight local conditions is important in Canada where hardiness zones range from 0 to 8 (Agriculture Canada). Courses are offered based on demand.
How long does the training take?
This 13 week course is offered at least once a year, generally in the Spring from January to April; however, additional classes may be created during periods of high demand.
The basic training course:
Follows a written curriculum with lectures, graded assignments, group activities and plant identification
Students meet twice a week for an evening and weekend class of three hours duration totaling six hours per week
A typical course schedule is posted at the bottom of this page
Qualification as a Master Gardener in Training (MGIT):
Attendance (80% of classes)
Assignments (complete a minimum of 80%)
Final open book exam (minimum grade of 80%)
How to become a Certified Master Gardener?
Volunteer hours are the cornerstone of certification. MGITs earn certification with a combination of volunteer hours and education in the following categories:
1. Outreach + Supplementary Hours: 60 hours in 24 months, including 20 Clinic Hours:
Outreach opportunities include a variety of Community Service Projects
Clinics average 2-3 hours each
Supplementary opportunities include a variety of organizational support and leadership roles.
2. Plus Continuing Education: 5 hours in the 2nd year.
To make the process more fun, mentors are assigned to each MGIT.
To maintain certification, Master Gardeners complete a minimum of 15 hours of volunteer hours each year, in the following categories:
Outreach Hours: 10
Supplementary Hours: 5
Plus Continuing Education: 5 hours/year