January 2023
Can I grow heather in a pot and then transplant it?
There are both heaths and heathers which have similar growing needs but are botanically different. Heathers (Calluna vulgaris) are larger and have flat scale like foliage. Heaths (Erica) are smaller than heathers and have needle like leaves. Heather or heaths grown in pots allow flexible planting schemes for displays on patios, in doorways, and on balconies. There are cultivars which bloom in winter and early spring, and those that bloom in summer and fall. They are long lasting, deer resistant, evergreen, and drought tolerant once established. Plant in full sun or at least 6 hours of sun per day. The soil type used in planting is important. Heathers and heaths like ericacious soil mixes such as used in rhodos and azaleas with the PH at 4.5-5. Grow in a pot large enough to accommodate the mature width of the plant, usually 1 to 2 ft. Water thoroughly in dry weather and enough that the plant will not dry out, especially in hot weather. Potted plants in hot sun can dry out quickly. After blooming the plants need pruning. Cut 1/3 of each stem off and shear the plant into a mound shape. By pruning you will lessen the chance of the centre of the plant browning out.
If you wish to plant heathers/heaths from a pot consider creating a bed with a group of plants for best effect. They can line a walkway or add drama to a slope. The best aspect for them is south facing. They need ericacious soil and excellent drainage. Heathers do well in rocky beds in enough soil so that their roots can spread deeply and widely. Plant considering the mature size of the plant. Dig a hole twice to three times as wide as the plant and deep enough so that the lowest green part of the plant sits just at soil level after watering in. Always mulch the soil surface 2-3 inches with leaf mulch or pine needles. Water thoroughly in hot weather. Heathers/heaths dislike soggy soils so placement is important for good drainage.
Some excellent cultivars are: Calluna vulgaris Dark Beauty, Calluna vulgaris Firefly, Erica December Red, Erica Myretoun Ruby, Erica C.D. Eason, Erica Velvet Night.