How can I grow gaura successfully?
Oenothera lindheimeri, gaura
This is a sun loving, drought tolerant perennial with a long tap root. Its flower stalks are dotted with pink or white, sometimes both, small flowers that wave in the breeze and are loved by some pollinators. Because they dislike wet soil, their growing site must have excellent drainage in loose soil. Our wet winters can be challenging for such plants. A sloped site or raised bed will help as will growing the plant in a large pot with potting soil. They will need a deep one of at least 12” and 10” diameter with a drainage hole at the bottom. In a bed, amend soil with compost and, until established, water adequately. Don’t fertilize much or it will become floppy. After flowering, cut back each stalk for reblooming. You can seed gaura in medium light at 21 C for 21-35 days or propagate by cuttings. In fall, cut back the stems to 10” and cover with leaves. Gaura tolerate heat and humidity but not winter wet soil. Typically they grow 60-120 cm high and 60-90 cm wide. They are resistant to deer and rabbits. They can be prone to downy and powdery mildew, rust, and leaf spot.
A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants Canadian Edition 2004. Editors in Chief: Christopher Brickell, Trevor Cole.
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