The shiny geranium (Geranium lucidum) is native to Europe and Asia. As of 2021 it has been found in southwest B.C. including the greater Victoria, Sooke, Salt Spring Island, Comox Valley, Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley regions. It grows in open woodlands, forest understorey, grasslands, lawns, gardens, trail edges, compost piles and cracks in pavement.

Identifying characteristics of shiny geranium: Low growing, up to 50 cm (20 inches) tall; Small, 5-petal, pink flowers in pairs, blooms from spring to mid-summer; Kidney-shaped leaves with 5-7 lobes, each lobe is shallowly lobed; Shiny leaves (particularly later in the season); Long, reddish stems that are not hairy.
Shiny geranium is distinguished from other similar-looking geranium species such as Dove’s foot (Geranium mole), Herb Robert (G. robertianum), and Crane’s bill (G. dissectum) by lobed leaves that are glossy and kidney-shaped in outline, stems are reddish and smooth (not hairy of fuzzy), and flowers have hairless sepals and keeled sepals (stick out).
It is considered a priority invasive species in B.C. and the provincial government is attempting to eradicate it through early detection and rapid response (EDRR) before it becomes too widely established. Prevent spread of shiny geranium by ensuring you do not import it to your garden and manually removing and disposing of plants (before seed production) including the crown to avoid resprout. Areas of small plants may be mulched to prevent growth and suppress seed germination/growth.
B.C. Government Invasive Species Alert: shiny_geranium_weed_alert.pdf (gov.bc.ca) (Accessed February 14, 2023)
CRD Shiny Geranium Invasive Species Alert: shiny_geranium_weed_alert_mar2020.pdf (crd.bc.ca) (Accessed February 14, 2023)
King County (Washington state) Shiny geranium identification and control: Shiny geranium identification and control: Geranium lucidum – King County (Accessed February 14, 2023)
Victoria Horticulture Society Identification of Shiny Geranium: Invasive-Geranium-Lucidum-ID-sheet-COB.pdf (vichortsociety.org) (Accessed February 14, 2023)
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