Unhealthy almond tree

I have a 4-5 year old almond tree that looks very unhealthy. It has bad leaf curl. What can I do to save it?

To solve your Almond tree’s poor health, we will assume that it was properly diagnosed as Peach Leaf Curl caused by fungus Taphrina deformans

It overwinters within the buds. As buds break, the fungus penetrates the leaf tissue, causing massive distortion without killing the leaf tissues. It then produces a bloom of spores on the infected leaves. These lodge in cracks in the bark and the buds, forming the overwintering yeast-like state which persists until the next spring.

Non-chemical control:

Cover Structure: If you are able to provide a rain protective covering structure, it may be a temporary solution or a way to mitigate the spread of the fungus. However, this may not be practical long term depending on the size of your tree.

Sanitation: Cleaning up leaves has not proven to minimize the infection.

Chemical control: Chemical control of copper fungicides is the suggestion by the BC Fruit Growers Association & the BC Ministry of Agriculture. Master Gardeners consider any chemical treatment to be a last resort. You may need to hire a professional to come treat your tree depending on the availability of chemicals to the home owner.

https://www.rhs.org.uk/disease/peach-leaf-curl – fungus cause, non chemical control
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/agriculture-and-seafood/animal-and-crops/plant-health/peach_leaf_curl.pdf chemical control – not for backyard use
https://www.bctfpg.ca/pest_guide/info/12/ chemical control