These were originally written to provide our members with a quick brush-up on topics we often get asked about during our clinics, but then we thought, why not make them public. They are good gardening resources for everyone.
They are listed two ways: alphabetically, and then grouped by topic.
Alphabetical List
A is for Apple
Alternatives to grass lawns
Beneficial Insects by the Dozen
Cannabis: Growing and Caring For
Cold Damage in Woody Ornamentals
Composts and Manures: Commercially available, Non-commercial
Composting for the Home Gardener
Conifer Key w. Common Names
Deer Resistant Plants
Deterring Wildlife
Extreme Heat in the Garden
European Wall Lizard
Fire-Resistance for Your Garden
Greenhouse Gardening
Growing Figs in Victoria
Growing Tomatoes: Washing State University Fact Sheet
Growing Vegetables in Containers
Indoor Plant Care
Japanese Beetles
Mason Bees
Mulch: Why, How, and What to Use
Native Plant Propagation
Native Plants of Southern Vancouver Island List
Plant Nutrient Deficiencies, Symptoms and Remedies
Plants Toxic to Pets
Pollinators: Simon Fraser Pollination Ecology Lab
Propagation Methods: Linda Petit, HCP
Starting Seedlings Indoors
Sustainable Gardening: Vancouver Master Gardeners
Vegetables – Growing in Containers
Water Garden Plantings
List by Topic
Garden Maintenance and Hardscaping
Alternatives to grass lawns
Composts and Manures:
Commercially available,
Composting for the Home Gardener
Extreme Heat: Effects and Mitigation Strategies
Fire-Resistance for Your Garden
Greenhouse Gardening
Mulch: Why, How, and What to Use
Fertility, Pests, Insects
Beneficial Insects by the Dozen
Deer Resistant Plants
Deterring Wildlife
European Wall Lizard
Japanese Beetles
Mason Bees
Plant Nutrient Deficiencies, Symptoms and Remedies
Pollinators: Simon Fraser Pollination Ecology Lab
Propagation Methods: Linda Petit, HCP
Native Plant Propagation
Starting Seedlings Indoors
Sustainable Gardening: Vancouver Master Gardeners
A is for Apple
Growing Figs in Victoria
Growing Tomatoes: Washing State University Fact Sheet
Growing Vegetables in Containers
Conifer Key w. Common Names
Water Garden Plantings
Cannabis: Growing and Caring For
Indoor Plant Care
Native Plants of Southern Vancouver Island List
Plants Toxic to Pets