Growing plants organically is one of the basics of being a Master Gardener. I became part of the Master Gardeners Association of British Columbia ( in 2021 through training with the Vancouver Master Gardener (VMG) program; Covid-19 dictated it be online. A list of sprays that are approved for VMGs to use when plant pests get out of hand is available. It is updated annually—here is a link. Also, when native plants are grown, they attract and feed native pollinators, the creatures that keep pests under better control naturally.
Retention as a member of VMGs is through volunteer hours. Graduates of the Master Gardening program go on to do a range of things: research and give gardening advice to the public at nurseries and garden centres; participate in community gardens, large and small; answer plant information hotlines; participate in writers’ and speakers’ groups; teach new students; and write articles about plants.
But what if a person wanted to grow plants organically and go on to earn money in the field? One option is to train at University of British Columbia’s (UBC’s) Farm, running since 2001. This Centre for Sustainable Food Systems has been certified organic since 2016, and is currently certified with NOOA (the North Okanagan Organic Association). UBC Farm offers plant-based trainings. I learned more at
Farmers markets to sell its produce are held outside the UBC bookstore on Wednesdays, and at the farm on Tuesday evenings and Saturdays. Vendors can apply to be part of the sales.

Melissa, a friend of mine, recently completed her organic practicum there, so I went to visit her at UBC Farm on Saturday, September 14, after her course had wound up and she was volunteering. She began the farmers training wondering how she would fare, being more used to the corporate world. She ended up loving it—the planting, weeding, harvesting, and selling of produce.
I enjoyed walking around the 24-hectare farm. It is divided into a number of large fields comprising very long rows of cabbages or sunflowers or leeks or broccoli or carrots or kale or beans. And more.

Here is a picture of Melissa planting out the sunflowers.
UBC Farm grows flowers too, some to attract pollinators and to keep insect pests in control, others as herbs for culinary use or as seeds for next year.

Around the rows of produce are borders of native trees and shrubs: western red cedar , red osier dogwood, red alder, common snowberry, ninebark, and naturalized mountain-ash and sweet chestnut trees.
Here’s a map of the entire area:
Here are the great veggies I bought that day. As you can see, I love leeks and leafy greens!

Saturday Farmers Markets run until November 30, by which date the last of the squash will be ready. Don’t miss out.
🖋️&📷 vmg Nina S.