Vanderhoof Seedy Saturday 2025

Report by Shari Featherstone (MGiT)

Completion of the PG Master Gardener Basic Training program earlier this year resulted in a new flock of Master Gardeners in Training (MGiT), one of whom is from Vanderhoof. With a view to supporting Vanderhoof and area gardeners and helping to build enthusiasm and capacity within the community for excellent gardening practices, a small group from Prince George Master Gardeners accepted the invitation to attend and present at their March 7th Seedy Saturday (sponsored by Nechako Valley Food Network and Vanderhoof Public Library).

Dave Rempel (MG) and Shanna Hunt’s (MGiT) presentation on “Garden Sowing for Beginners: Basics and Beyond” was well received as was the presentation by Christiane Hirt (MG) and myself on “Companion Planting and Crop Rotation”.  Prince George’s Aija White (Ecosystem Biologist) spoke on “Our Amazing Pollinators and How to Support Them”. Between presentations, participants spent time at the PG Master Gardener tables sorting through seed options, used gardening books/magazines and other resources with great questions and discussions along the way.  There was keen interest in seeing and hearing about the “Self-watering Wick Tub” demonstration provided by Prince George MG Karen Kellett. 

Thanks to Maya McCully (MGiT) for a job well done in organizing this event – such great energy, passion and appreciation from the community!