Williams Lake Seedy Saturday 2025

Report by Karen Kellett (MG)

A collaboration of the Central Cariboo Community Food Hub and the Cariboo Direct Farm Market Association saw the very first Seedy Saturday to be held in Williams Lake. Several of our members eagerly agreed to come and participate – a show of support and acknowledgement of the commitment made by our newest graduate.  Charlotte had travelled to Prince George, a distance of 240 km one way, on twelve Saturdays to learn the skills required to become an MG.  What dedication!

Charlotte and Karen

Christiane (MG) and Shari (MGiT) also travelled to Williams Lake to make a presentation on Gardening Basics. Visitors spent time at the PG Master Gardener tables sorting through our saved seeds, with great questions and discussions along the way.   

There was also keen interest in seeing and hearing about our self-watering wick tub.  By all accounts we were a welcome and important addition to this event. 

The rewards were also huge for our small band of volunteers as we met new gardening experts and networked with the Williams Lake community. We look forward to more opportunities to collaborate in our northern communities.