Why is my calla lily not blooming?
The botanical name Zantedeschia aethiopica more commonly known as Calla or arum lily is not a true lily, nor grown from a bulb but a rhizome. This plant is poisonous – handle with care. The sap can be irritating, all parts should not be ingested ~ watch pets & children around it.
There may be one of several reasons that your Calla lily is not blooming. All can be remedied this season to get prolific blooms for next season. This you will notice is a growing circle.
Healthy Rhizome: If you start with a healthy rhizome (large, firm, plump) that was over wintered or stored properly then the following guidelines will ensure a bountiful bloom. Note they do need at least 2 months of dormancy to be ready to develop properly with enough energy for blooms.
Exposure: The right place for them is where they will get 6 or more hours sun daily. While they tolerate partial shade, they won’t thrive & may not bloom at all or be very limited in flowers.
Planting depth & soil type: They prefer being planted to a depth of 3-4 inches in the spring after chance of frost has passed. Plant in moist nutrient rich slow-draining soil. Amending the soil with leaf mulch & compost can create an optimal growing medium.
Moisture levels: Calla lilies like it moist. But too wet & the rhizome can rot, too dry & the rhizome dries out and can’t produce. Mulch helps conserve moisture.
Too much nitrogen: If there is too much nitrogen, you will have large green leaves with droopy stems but no blooms. Having a nutrient rich soil may not require any fertilizer. If you do fertilize, do so in spring after planting, using a 5-10-5 or 5-10-10 fertilizer, then every two weeks until the blooms are done.
http://pnwplants.wsu.edu/PlantDisplay.aspx?PlantID=124 (poison -exposure-moisture)
https://www.gardenia.net/guide/learn-how-to-plant-and-care-for-your-calla-lilies (dormancy)
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