Would the Hakonechloa do well in full sun?
Hakonechloa grows in zones 4 – 9. It is suggested that the grass be planted in part sun or partial shade. In a perfect world you would have morning sun and afternoon shade or dappled sun. With optimal exposure you would have green, variegated green, or gold colours depending on the variety grown. Grown in full sun, if you provide moist soil that is rich in humus and well draining, the grass will likely survive but the colours could be lighter greens and golds. If you are in a warmer climate or have a hot spell the grass can be bleached out turning crème or near white and could potentially burn turning the tips or entire blade brown. When purchasing your grass from a nursery it likely was in a shaded area. It is advised to plant in the spring allowing it time to acclimatise to your area and exposure.
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