Category: Article
Creeping phlox and dianthus , overwintering
July 2022 I am not having success overwintering creeping phlox and dianthus. I was hoping to get some advice on the topic. Creeping Phlox (Phlox subulate) and dianthus, (common names, […]
Asparagus rows becoming shorter
August 2022 My asparagus rows are getting shorter. Why might this be? Spear size and yield will decrease after 12 to 15 years. Yield is dependent on the number of […]
Perennial questions
Calla Lily”: Why is my calla lily not blooming? Creeping Phlox and Dianthus: How to overwinter Curry Plant: Is the curry plant edible? (Also see under Vegetables) Fawn lilies: White […]
Plant hostas in July
August 2022 I would like to plant some hostas? Is it too late now (July). Would it be better to wait until the fall or next spring? Also what kind […]
Shrubs questions
Camellias: Camellias in a pot Juniper: Established juniper has dieback Myrtle Myrtus Communis: Rhododendrons: Flower spikes removal California Lilac, Ceanothus: Pruning Food producing shrubs for Victoria Hydrangea: Pruning lacecap […]
Remove rhododendron flower spikes
Should I remove spent rhododendron flower spikes? Deadheading of a Rhododendron, which is the removal of spent flowers, should be done soon after the flowers fade, taking care not to […]
Quince are ripe
How will I know my quince is ripe? Quince (Cydonia oblonga) fruits are ready to harvest in the late summer or early fall period (late September/early October), when they have […]
Fruit Questions
Specific Fruits Blueberries: Pollination Figs: Pruning tall fig tree. Lemons: Growing lemons in Victoria Pear tree: Fire blight treatment Quince: How to tell when quince are ripe. Raspberries: Raspberry canes […]
Vegetable questions
Specific Vegetables (alphabetical) Aspabroc broccolini: What is it? Asparagus: Why are my rows are getting shorter? Curry Plant: Is the curry plant edible? (Also see under Perennials) Carrots: Do I […]
Arbutus trees
Is Arbutus the name in Canada for Manzanita? How are Arbutus propagated? The name Manzanita refers to Arctostaphylos columbiana (hairy manzanita). It hybridizes where their ranges overlap with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi […]