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Introduction to Gardening with Ornamental Grasses

March 16 @ 1:00 pm 4:00 pm

The workshop will consist of both a classroom session and an outdoor demonstration of planting, care and maintenance in the garden. Each will be approximately one hour in duration.

During the classroom session, participants will be introduced to the joys of gardening with ornamental grasses. Some basic botany, the most popular grass varieties for our area, growth habits and planting considerations will be covered. At all times the emphasis will be on the practical aspects of growing beautiful plants whether in mass plantings or stand-alone feature specimens in a garden or container.

The outdoor demonstration will include planting a new grass in the garden and the annual activity of spring clean-up in anticipation of another year of evolving beauty. The workshop will conclude with a short tour of the garden to highlight some of the grasses talked about in the classroom session.

Horticultural Centre of the Pacific

505 Quayle Rd.

505 Quayle Rd.
Victoria, bc V9E 2J7 Canada
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