PG Seedy Saturday

St Michael’s Church 1505 5th Ave, Prince George

Free Workshop: Advanced Composting

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park St., Victoria

This workshop aims to broaden the scope of participants’ knowledge of composting methods and will cover methods of composting that require more work and attention. Topics covered will include hot […]

Basic Fruit Tree Pruning Demo

Dinter Nursery 2205 Phipps Rd, Duncan

Bernie Dinter will lead this demonstration of basic pruning of fruit trees and small fruits. This demonstration is free of charge and no registration is required. It will take place […]

Indoor Microgreens and Sprouts

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park St., Victoria

Do you wish you had a mini garden all winter long to harvest from right in your kitchen? You can! Come learn the ins and outs of microgreen growing and […]