Free Workshop: Yard Free Composting

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park St., Victoria

We’ll cover options that are available for composting without a yard. Surprisingly, there are many, and we’ll discover the benefits and drawbacks to each so you can determine the system […]

Bonsai Re-potting Demo

Dinter Nursery 2205 Phipps Rd, Duncan

Are you a bonsai enthusiast looking for tips on your current project, or interested in starting your own piece of living art? We are pleased to announce we are hosting […]

Gardening with Native Plants

505 Quayle Rd. 505 Quayle Rd., Victoria

In this workshop, you will learn how gardening with our local native plants can give you a water-saving, low-maintenance garden that brings colour all season long, making them the ultimate […]