Ask a Master Gardener

The Okanagan Master Gardeners are here to help with your gardening questions in the Okanagan Valley! Whether you’re dealing with a tricky plant problem or need input on your gardening plans, our trained volunteers are ready to assist.

Everyone living and/or gardening in the Okanagan area is invited to send in questions anytime via email. For in-person assistance, please visit us at one of our Upcoming Events. In particular, our Gardening Answer Clinic events are held specifically to answer your gardening questions.

Send your question to:

Please include your growing location (town, area) and a few photos (close-up, surrounding area) if possible.

We may not have all the answers, but as Master Gardeners, we are trained to research and provide reliable, science-based information to support your gardening success.

Everyone living and/or gardening in the Okanagan Valley is also welcome to join our public Facebook Group, where you can chat with other local gardeners.

okanagan master gardeners at kelowna seedy sunday
Ask a Gardening Question - Okanagan Master Gardeners - Mary Jane Duford and Laverne De Yaegher
2024 Seedy Sunday Kelowna - Seed Swap table