Community Engagement

Our members are involved in the Prince George and area community in many ways. We look for opportunities to provide scientific and research-based advice to the members of the public about environmentally responsible gardening practices.

The Master Gardeners are active participants at local trade shows, plant sales, seed libraries, in schools, at conferences and other public events. The MGs are sought out by the public as local consultants in all things gardening.

Seedy Saturday

We have been organizing these fun events for several years. You can swap your saved seeds to share and exchange and find exciting varieties that other seed savers are sharing.

Ask a Master Gardener

Why are my blueberries not producing? Can I grow papayas here in the north? It’s bright and sunny out. We can starting planting even if it’s just March, right?

The Master Gardeners are around at various events in Prince George and nearby areas to answer all questions gardening-related.

Other Community Events

Learn more about the various events organized or attended by the PG Master Gardeners.

Annual Plant Sale

May Long Weekend

Basic Training Program

Offered every 2 years



PG Seed Library

March – June

Home Show


Garden Tours

Every Summer

UNBC Green Day


PG Sunflower Festival
