Tag: Victoria
Poor garlic harvest
My garlic was great with large bulbs last year. This year the harvest is very small. Why? There are various issues that can cause reduced size in garlic bulbs. Garlic […]
Heather dies in one place not in another
My Heather plants have died in one area of garden but are fine in other areas. Why might this be? One of the main considerations for growing healthy heathers is […]
Prune California Lilac
How to prune California Lilac (Ceanothus)? Evergreen ceanothus (California Lilac) is a reliable and popular shrub for gardens on South Vancouver Island, particularly the cultivar ‘Victoria’ which produces abundant blue […]
Lemons in Victoria
How do I grow lemons in Victoria? Lemon (and lime) trees may be grown in the coastal region of southwest B.C. A growing location with 6 or more hours of […]
Ingredients for Container Growing
What kinds of ingredients should be considered when preparing for ornamental plants in a container? Please provide any hacks you may have for container gardening. We all like some cheer […]
Curry Plant
Is the Curry plant edible? The curry plant (Helichrysum italicum) is an evergreen shrub with yellow flowers and aromatic foliage from the Mediterranean region. It has some reported medicinal and […]
Hakonechloa grass
Would the Hakonechloa do well in full sun? Hakonechloa grows in zones 4 – 9. It is suggested that the grass be planted in part sun or partial shade. In […]
Shiny geranium
The shiny geranium (Geranium lucidum) is native to Europe and Asia. As of 2021 it has been found in southwest B.C. including the greater Victoria, Sooke, Salt Spring Island, Comox […]
Planting potatoes in Victoria
When do you plant potatoes in Victoria? As a general rule potatoes can be planted in March through June. However in our wet climate (that has seen chilly springs) it […]