The Vancouver Island Master Gardeners Association (VIMGA) is the home for Master Gardeners living on Vancouver Island from Mill Bay north to Campbell River.
What is VIMGA’s purpose?
VIMGA exists to provide education to the public on environmentally responsible and effective gardening practices by developing and delivering public workshops, seminars and volunteer clinics, and by publishing information on these topics.
What do we do?
Our members continually educate themselves in order to offer accurate and up-to-date advice at nurseries, garden centres, plant sales, farmers’ markets, garden shows and garden tours on Vancouver Island throughout the gardening season. We also participate in speaking engagements on garden topics at newcomers groups, and garden club meetings, and write articles for local newspapers and newsletters.
VIMGA Home Page: www.vimga.org
How to become a Master Gardener: Master Gardener Certificate Program
Gardening Advice: GardeningAdvice.MilnerGardens@shaw.ca
Contact us about training and more info about us: info@vimga.org