Introduction to Gardening with Ornamental Grasses

505 Quayle Rd. 505 Quayle Rd., Victoria, bc, Canada

The workshop will consist of both a classroom session and an outdoor demonstration of planting, care and maintenance in the garden. Each will be approximately one hour in duration. During […]

Wildfire Resistant Gardening

505 Quayle Rd. 505 Quayle Rd., Victoria, bc, Canada

Instructors Bethany Couture & Jennie Sparkes lead this informative workshop that will show you how to build wildfire-resilience into your gardens and landscapes. You’ll learn how to better steward your land, choose fire resilient […]

Seed Starting Workshop at the Summerland Library (March 2025)

Summerland Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library 9533 Main Street, Summerland, BC, Canada

The Okanagan Master Gardeners will give a Seed Starting Workshop in March at the Summerland Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library: Event Description Dreaming of a lush garden this spring […]


Gardening With Native Plants

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park St., Victoria, BC, Canada

In this workshop, you will learn how gardening with our local native plants can give you a water-saving, low-maintenance garden that brings colour all season long, making them the ultimate […]

Duncan Seedy Saturday

Siem Lelum Gymnasium 5574 River Rd., Duncan, BC, Canada

The 16th annual Seedy Saturday – A family friendly community event focused on seed exchange, featuring local seed farmers, music, kids’ activities, workshops, and food trucks.  Admission: $2  For more information visit

Designing Gardens for Pollinators

Dinter Nursery 2205 Phipps Rd, Duncan, BC, Canada

During this workshop discover what all the buzz is about our pollinators! Learn about native pollinators, their importance to ecosystems and our food supply, and the issues they are facing. […]

Build Incredible Soil

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park St., Victoria, BC, Canada

In this workshop we’ll explore the basis of all life on earth: Healthy Soil! We’ll explore what soil is made of and the vast importance of soil microbes. We’ll answer […]

Sooke Seedy Saturday

2037 Shields Rd, Sooke

Mar 29, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sooke, 2037 Shields Rd, Sooke, BC V9Z 0P7, Canada

From Seed to Harvest: Making the Most of Your Vegetable Garden

Dinter Nursery 2205 Phipps Rd, Duncan, BC, Canada

The taste of home-grown produce is unbeatable but growing vegetables is also a great activity to reduce stress, spend more time outdoors, teach kids how our food is produced, reduce the […]

Camosun’s Horticultural Student Plant Sale

Royal Roads University 2005 Sooke Road, Victoria, BC, Canada

At the new ‘Plant Shop’ @ Royal Roads University – follow the signs Vegetable Starts, Herbs, and TOMATO’S, all of which have been grown and nurtured by our students.  Also […]

Seaweed: Food and Medicine From the Sea

Compost Education Centre 1216 North Park St., Victoria

Marine biologist, wild seaweed harvester and author Amanda Swinimer shares her knowledge and passion for seaweed in this special two-hour workshop. Learn about the tremendous nutritional and health properties of […]